Member Care New UI

The member care page provides the complete details of a customer.


The new Member Care UI displays the customer details in a better-organised way and provides a better user experience.

By default, if enabled, when you open the member care, the application opens the new member UI.


Switching to the new UI

To switch to the new member care from the old UI CSV page, click Open new Member Care.

Also, from the old UI, if you click Customer Search the customer search opens in the new UI.

Sharing new profile link

To share the new member care UI, use url {host URL}/member-care/ui/.

To share or view the customer page in the new UI, use url {host URL}/member-care/ui/{userId}.

For example,

Switching to the old UI

From the Customer Search page, click Open old Member Care to switch to the old UI.

In addition, from the search result page, you can click on the switch icon and switch from the new UI to the old UI.


Switching behavior is applicable only for Search > Customer and CSV pages. Once you switch to the old UI, everything else will work as is.

Sharing old UI profile link

You can share the old UI customer profile link directly. To share, use the url {host}/memberCare/search/Customer?oldFlow=true.

For example,


You must use oldFlow=true parameter to directly navigate to the old UI search page. If you use the same URL without the oldFlow parameter, you will be redirected to the new Customer Search page.