Attributes - Milestones & Streaks
This document contains the information of "milestones & streaks" related sub-profiles of current customer profile.
All the below profiles will work:
- Across both loyalty promotions & loyalty programs
- Across any customer activity where the currentCustomer profile is supported
- Across any window types (starting from a specific date, starting from the customer's 1st enrolment)
This sub-profile returns the average of the target value achieved by the customer across the cycles of the milestone.
E.g.: Consider there is a milestone(aka target) called ABC, and it has 5 cycles (c1, c2, c3, c4, and c5). Say, we are currently in the time range of the 3rd cycle (c3).
Assuming a user's targetAchieved value for c1 is 50, c2 is 60, c3 is 70 & c4, and C5 are future cycles.
Now the behavior is as below:
- avgTargetAchieved(ABC) will return 60 which is the average of target achieved across the cycles till now.
targetAchievedInPeriod(targetName, periodRefCode)
This sub-profile returns the target achieved by the user in a specific cycle/period of a specific milestone/target
E.g.: Consider there is a milestone (aka target) called ABC, and it has 5 cycles (c1, c2, c3).
Assuming a user's targetAchieved value for c1 is 60, c2 is 50 & c3 is 75.
Now the behavior is as below:
- targetAchievedInPeriod(ABC, c2's refCode) will return 50.
- targetAchievedInPeriod(ABC, c3's refCode) will return 75.
Here, the refCode is like the name of the cycle/period but not the ID of the cycle/period.
This sub-profile returns the target achieved by the user in the current cycle of the milestone.
E.g.: Consider there is a milestone (aka target) called ABC, and it has 5 cycles (c1, c2, c3).
Assuming a user's targetAchieved value for c1 is 60, c2 is 50, c3 is 75, and currently, we are in the time duration of the c3 cycle.
Now the behavior is as below:
- targetAchievedInCurrentPeriod(ABC) will return 75
targetsAchievedForUnified(unifiedTargetGroupName, periodRefCode)
This sub-profile returns the number of targets achieved by the user in a unified target in a specific cycle/period.
E.g.: Consider there is a unified target (ABC). It has 3 targets (A, B, C) in it & has 3 cycles (c1, c2, c3)
Assuming a user has achieved 2, 3, 2 targets (among the 3 available) in each of cycles c1, c2, c3.
Now the behavior is as below:
- targetsAchievedForUnified(ABC, c1's refCode) returns 2
- targetsAchievedForUnified(ABC, c2's refCode) returns 3
- targetsAchievedForUnified(ABC, c3's refCode) returns 2
Here, the refCode is like the name of the cycle/period but not the ID of the cycle/period.
This sub-profile returns the number of targets achieved by the user in a unified target during the current cycle.
E.g.: Consider there is a unified target (ABC). It has 3 targets (A, B, C) in it & has 3 cycles (c1, c2, c3)
Assuming a user has achieved 2, 3, 2 targets (among the 3 available) in each of cycles c1, c2, c3, and currently, we are in the time duration of the c2 cycle.
Now the behavior is as below:
- targetsAchievedForUnifiedInCurrentPeriod(ABC) returns 3
This sub-profile returns whether a streak level is achieved by the user or not
E.g.: Consider there is a streak (ABC) and has 2 levels in it (ABC_1, ABC_2).
Assuming a user has achieved the 1st level & not the 2nd level.
Now the behavior is as below:
- isStreakAchieved(ABC_1) will return true
- isStreakAchieved(ABC_2) will return false
This sub-profile returns the current value of the streak for a user.
E.g.: Consider there is a streak (ABC) and has 2 levels in it (ABC_1 for 5, ABC_2 for 10).
Assuming a user's current streak value is 4.
Now the behavior is as below:
- streakCurrentValue(ABC_1) returns 4
- streakCurrentValue(ABC_2) returns 4
Updated 8 months ago