Attributes - Based on Purchase.

Profile - groupPrimaryCustomer()

  1. Profile : groupPrimaryCustomer()
    Allows you to write conditions based on the properties of the group primary customer who is currently performing the activity, example SLAB/Tier related Informations.

  2. Operators : Operatorscan be applied on Data type int/Big decimal Attributes:

    Equals to (=)
    Unequals to (!=)
    Greater than (>)
    Greater than or equal to (>=)
    Less than (<)
    Less than or equal to (<=)
    AND (&&)


Data Type: BigDecimal
Description: The purchase made by Primary customer of the group since start or from the day of first transaction including current transaction's purchase.
Formula : lifetime purchase = [ sum of all purchase - sum of refund amount ]
Syntax: groupPrimaryCustomer.lifetimePurchase[Operators like <,>,>=,<=,=][VALUE]

Example1. Write a rule for Primary customer of a group to check if LifetimePurchase is greater than 1000.
Example 2: check if LifetimePurchase is less than or equal to 1000.
Example3: write a rule to check if LifetimePurchase is between 1500 to 3000 and the customer did transaction only once till now.


Data Type: BigDecimal
Description: Primary customer's purchase before current transaction's purchase.
Formula: Initial lifetime purchase = [ sum of all purchases - sum of refund amount ] before evaluating the current transaction.
Syntax: groupPrimaryCustomer.initialLifetimePurchase[Operators like <,>,>=,<=,=][VALUE]

Example 1: write a rule to check if initialLifetimePurchase is greater than 3000 and the Primary customer of the group did the transaction only twice.