Attributes - Group Primary Customer's Slab Information
Rule = Profile + Attributes + Sub-Attributes + Operators + Value
1. Profile : currentCustomer
Allows you to write conditions based on the properties of the customer who is currently performing the activity, example SLAB/Tier related Informations.
For customers: As customers shop more and more with a brand, they get more incentives as and when they go up through tiers.
For companies: Incentivizing the most loyal customers more than others would generate more goodwill and loyalty among customers and hence, generate more revenue.
2. What is a slab/Tier ?
Customer incentive programs that reward various groups (or slabs) of consumers differently are known as tiered loyalty programs. It typically takes the shape of a hierarchy, with each tier providing progressively more advantages (or more valuable benefits).
Example : Here customer segments/slabs are called Member, silver, gold and Platinum. The rewards in terms of points increases with the increase in Slab of the customer.
3.String and numerical Operators
The basic range of string operations serve to resolve the string attribute into a boolean outcome. These operators are inserted after the string attribute using the . notation e.g.".com")
string operators mainly used for slabName
Contains - used to see if the string contains the defined value
Matches - this is used to perform regular expression based matching on the string
isNull - checks if the string is Null i.e. it was not passed from source
isNotNull - checks if the the string is NOT Null i.e. some value was passed from source (even an empty string counts).
4. Numerical Operators mainly used for slabNumber.
Equals to (=)
Unequals to (!=)
Greater than (>)
Greater than or equal to (>=)
Less than (<)
Less than or equal to (<=)
AND (&&)
5. Attributes based on SLAB information.
Profile: groupProfileCustomer
Attribute: slabName
Data Type: String
Description: Current tier name of the Primary customer of the group.
Syntax: groupPrimaryCustomer.slabName[operators][Value]
Example1: As a brand, we have a tired-based loyalty program where the tiers are silver, gold, and platinum. We have separate points allocation strategies for tiers respectively, thus write a condition to allocate points if the Primary customer of the group is in Gold Tier. |
Profile -> groupPrimaryCustomer slabName -> GOLD Rule expression -> groupPrimaryCustomer.slabName==” gold” |
Attribute2: slabNumber
Profile: groupPrimaryCustomer
Attribute: slabNumber
Data Type : Int (Integer)
Description: Primary Customer slab number let's say 10, 1, 3 etc
Syntax: groupPrimaryCustomer.slabNumber[Operators][SLAB Number]
Example1: Write a rule to evaluate a condition that a primary customer of a group slab number is equal to 3 and the current transaction value is greater than and equal to 300 but less than and equal to 600. |
Expression: ((groupPrimaryCustomer.slabNumber==3)&&(currentTxns.value)>=30&&(currentTxns.value<600)) |
Attribute3 : initialSlabNumber
Profile: groupPrimaryCustomer
Attribute: initialSlabNumber
Data Type : Int (Integer)
Description: Primary Customer slab number lets say 10, 1, 3 before evaluating a event.
Syntax: groupPrimaryCustomer.initialSlabNumber[Operators][SLAB Number]
Example 1: Write an expression/rule to check if current slabNumber is greater than initialSlabNumber or current slab number is equal to 4, of Primary Customer of group. |
((groupPrimaryCustomer.slabNumber > groupPrimaryCustomer.initialSlabNumber) || (groupPrimaryCustomer.slabNumber == 4)) |
Attribute 4: initialSlabName
Data Type : Int (Integer)
Description: Initial slab name of the Current Customer before evaluating an event, let's say Basic, Member, silver etc.
Syntax: currentCustomer.initialSlabNumber[Operators][SLAB Name]
Example: Write a simple rule to check if the group Primary Customer transaction is greater than 500 and the initial slab name was silver. |
currentTxn.value>100&&(groupPrimaryCustomer.slabName.matches("SILVER")) |
Updated about 1 year ago