Generate & Download Card Numbers
This feature helps you to generate the card numbers for a specific card series and download the list of card numbers in .txt format. At once the system can generate up to one lakh card numbers.
To generate and view card numbers, follow these steps.
- Navigate to Organization Settings > Miscellaneous > Card Configurations.
- Select Generated card tab.
- Click Generate card number.
- In the Select card series, choose card series using the drop-down list. To see the options in the drop-down list configure the card series during card series creation. For details, see create card series.
- In the Number of cards, enter the number of cards that you want to generate.
- In Status, select the card status using the drop-down list. In the drop-down list, you can select only Not issued status options. To see the options in the drop-down list configure the global settings. For details, see card-related configurations (Org Level).
- Click Generate cards.
- In Generated cards, view the list of generated cards. The system generates the card number automatically based on card series configuration - Card Prefix, Card Suffix, and Card Length.
- Series Name and Series Code: This field shows the card series name and code.
- Generated on: Date or time when card numbers are generated.
- No. of cards: Total number of cards generated.
- Download: Download and check the generated card numbers in a text format.
- Generated card numbers remain on the system for 30 days.
- After successfully generating card numbers, you can issue cards to customers either using Member Care or API integration.
Updated about 1 year ago